Let us meet in 2013 APPEX
Booth No: 8059
Nov.5th to 7th Thousands of NEW products in every category. Dozens of NEW suppliers from around the world joining over 2,300 other current exhibitors. NEW research, NEW trends, NEW education specifically developed to help you grow your business.
We know finding new products and solutions is important to our attendees. Begin your discovery when you receive AAPEX Products Extra, mailed to all pre-registered buyers prior to AAPEX. Or read the electronic version when it arrives via email.
Do you need to find new tools to service today's vehicles? Are you looking for products providing an added bonus of being green? Does your warehouse need to be renovated? Take some time to visit the Tool & Equipment section and stop in at the lounge sponsored by Professional Tool and Equipment magazine. The Remanufacturing Section has an engine rebuild demonstration and exhibitors with rebuilt parts great for the consumer interested in Green Solutions. The AWDA pavilion is the perfect place to stop if you need to update your warehouse.